Monday 12 February 2018

Promoting the interests of Zion

Kazuo Ighiguro's classic novel "The Remains of the day" is the story of Stevens, the distinguished and long-standing butler (steward) of Oxfordshire's prestigious Darlington house.  As we get to know Stevens, we learn he is one of the finest butlers (stewards) of his generation.  We learn of his utmost dedication to his master Lord Darlington, a man who moves in circles of great political influence.  Though Stevens knows that many of his master's rarefied dealings are beyond his intellectual grasp, he will, so far as he is able, exert every possible energy in promoting the interests of Darlington and in maintaining the honour of the stately house.

This is the essence of what it means to be a steward.  To deploy one's every ounce of being to the upkeep of another's honour and reputation.

David understood this concept though he himself was a man of great influence and power.  In Psalm 122 he writes:  "For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek your prosperity".  Commenting on this verse, Charles Spurgeon wrote:

“When David says ‘I will seek your prosperity’  - it is not a careless, loose seeking after it.  No…effort is implied.  I will throw my energies into it, my powers, my faculties, my property, my time, my influence, my connections, my family, my house, all that I have under my command shall, as far as I have the power to command, and as far as God gives me the ability to turn them to such a use, be employed to promote the interests of Zion”  - Treasury of David

The "Proverbs 31 woman" (who we've established is not so much a real woman but a picture of wisdom being acted out by any conscientious pilgrim - female or male) - seems to be possessed by a similar ambition.

We read that her husband has "full confidence in her", that he "lacks nothing of value" and that she "brings him good" all the days of her life.  We learn later in the passage that He is respected at the city gate where He sits in the company of the elders of the land.  Since the Bible likens the church to the bride of Christ, it follows that like this "wife of noble character", it is the responsibility of every Christian Steward to make it their surpassing priority the "honour" and "good name" of our bridegroom which is Jesus Christ

Indeed, we could do a lot worse than to use Proverbs 31: 10-31 as our playbook.

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